The EU Commission has published further assistance for plant operators in the EuropeanCO2 emissions trading scheme on its website. In addition to the guidelines, the templates for the data collection of the allocation request and for the method report are now available for download. Furthermore, the template for the verification of allocation requests was published.
For German plant operators, the templates of the EU Commission offer a detailed first impression of which data must be transmitted to the German Emissions Trading Authority (DEHSt) for the allocation applications and which processes must be presented and described.
In the coming weeks, DEHSt will provide the corresponding form applications in its form management system (FMS) for the preparation of allocation applications and method reports by German plant operators.
Once the forms have been made available, installation operators should submit their allocation applications to the relevant authorities in the Member States within three months. Currently, it is expected that the FMS will be ready from 01.04.2019.