Climate and CSR strategy
At the latest since the EU agreed on the proposal for an EU climate law, the binding target for climate neutrality by 2050 and the new requirements of the ECB for the reduction of climate risks in the investments of European banks, it is clear: politics and society demand new solutions from industry for sustainable and climate-friendly business.
The corresponding EU Green Deal and the EU-wide recovery aid packages to overcome the economic consequences of the Corona pandemic also point massively in the direction of strengthening climate-friendly and circular economy-oriented industries and infrastructures.

Furthermore, the requirements arising from mandatory emissions trading are increasing: both through the inclusion of further sectors, through national extensions of the laws such as the German Fuel Emissions Trading Act, the ever decreasing free allocations and, last but not least, through constantly rising market prices for tradable emission allowances (EUA).
The demands on industry to move towards CO2 neutrality, net zero emissions or climate neutrality in order to remain competitive are increasing accordingly on a massive scale.
GALLEHR+PARTNER® is in demand as an experienced pilot for all players with relevant energy requirements and greenhouse gas emissions. A large number of nationally and internationally renowned companies rely on our expertise from over a decade of climate protection experience in the industrial environment.
Our strategic consulting services include:
- Support in the preparation of climate, sustainability, CSR and ESG strategies
- Market environment analysis
- Stakeholder analysis
- Climate Impact Assessment
- Carbon Footprint calculation based on GHG Protocol and ISO standards
- Target formulation (e.g. on the basis of science-based targets [SBTi])
- Climate neutrality based on ISO standards and PAS 2060
- Effective target development based on the “balance, reduce, avoid, (compensate) and communicate” approach
- Climate management systems according to the PDCA approach for continuous improvement and effective target achievement
- Support during the integration and operation of the management systems up to the implementation of measures
- Communication support for climate and sustainability relevant reporting, also regarding GRI, CSR, non-financial reporting, TFCD, SFDR, EU taxonomy, SASB
We will be happy to provide you with a tailor-made offer.

Further information on the topic of “Climate and CSR Strategy” can be found here: