Sven Worm
B.Eng Environmental Engineering
Contact details
Phone: +49 6039 92 91 961
Email: sven.worm@gallehr.de
During his studies, Mr. Worm was able to gain experience in the environmental protection and energy department of a medium-sized company in the chemical industry, among other things in the field of environmental and climate protection (emissions trading, carbon footprints, water protection, etc.), as well as energy and environmental management. Through a subsequent internship at a municipal consulting firm, he was able to deepen his knowledge in the field of greenhouse gas emission balancing.
In his bachelor thesis he investigated the optimisation potentials of sector coupling in the field of transport and heat. As a consultant at Gallehr Sustainable Risk Management GmbH, he deals in particular with the topics of carbon footprint, climate neutrality, and mandatory emissions trading for large and very large companies.